About Us

Every human person longs for the Infinite, the One who makes them, from the beginning unto eternity. The Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, born of Mary, to teach us the path of belonging, through dying and rising. Our baptismal belonging leads us in the Spirit to encounter the presence of Jesus in all the circumstances and reality of life. Together, we are on a journey with a future full of hope.

St. John’s is a unique expression of Catholic identity. As a welcoming community of believers, we constantly strive to:

  • Develop a Living Faith

  • Minister to the Needs of Others

  • Foster Love and Care Throughout the Community

  • Provide Educational Experiences for All

  • Continue Faithful Stewardship of Our Land and Other Resources

In our Catholic Tradition, we belong to a local church under the leadership of our Bishop. As the Diocese of Winona-Rochester in Southern Minnesota, we are united with other parishes in our desire to follow Christ. The Spirit calls us to journey together through worship/sacraments, education/formation, administration/finance and service/outreach experiencing a new existence born in all who live the life of the Church.


Father Jerry Mahon
Deacon Randy Horlocker

Administration Staff

Mike Gehring facilities manager
Cindy Paz Administrative Assistant
Parish Administrator Margaret Kelsey
Luke Miksanek Bookkeeper
Megan Rodriguez Director of Faith Formation

Education & Formation Staff

Michelle Schmid Director of Faith Formation Adults and Director of Communications
Laura Miller Director of Faith Formation K-8

Liturgy/Music & Social Ministry Staff

Sebastian Modarelli Director of Music and Liturgy
Mary Vlazny Director of Social Action