Adult Formation
As salt of the earth and light for the world (cf. Mt 5:13-16), adult disciples give witness to God's love and caring will so that, in the power of the Spirit, they renew the face of the earth.
Adult Formation at the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist intends to invite people into an ongoing relationship with Jesus, nourish and educate about the Church's teachings, and equip individuals to share God's message of love with others in ministry and service.
There are several opportunities to participate in Formation at the parish.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming Catholic, please visit our RCIA page.
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Young Adults
Rochester Catholic is an initiative of the Rochester parishes seeking to connect young adults to Christ and His Church. Our website is a landing page for young adults in the area desiring to: find a community of peers, plug into a parish, engage the world through outreach and service, and further commit their lives to Christ.
At the Co-Cathedral, young adults are encouraged to participate in ministry, take leadership initiative, and join in formative activities such as faith studies and attending Eucharistic Adoration. You can check the calendar for upcoming events at the Co-Cathedral!
Looking to get connected? Contact us.
Small Groups are great ways to connect with others in the parish to discuss faith in everyday life and to develop a personal relationship with God. A small group consists of 4 to 10 people who gather on a regular basis to share in fellowship and faith. Small groups are a great opportunity to develop meaningful friendships, ask questions, and learn new ways to pray.
The Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist has several adult groups that meet on a regular basis to grow in faith and community. Contact us to find the group that best fits your interest or if you are interested in leading a group.
Bible Studies & Formation Groups
The Co-Cathedral of St. John's has several adult Bible studies and Formation Groups that dive deeper into the teachings of the Church. Are you seeking to learn more about scripture and Church teachings? Or do you just want to meet with fellow parishioners? Either way, feel free to join us! We meet virtually and in person to accommodate various needs. Check the calendar for the start of new topics!
Young Adult Women’s Study: Thursday Evenings 6:30pm (beginning September 11)
Art Reflections: During Advent and Lent, join with others to reflect on the life of Christ through works of art.
All Saints Club: Learn about the saints and how we are all called to be saints! All Saints Club starts by listening to a presenter share about their experience with a saint and then breaks into small group discussion. Check the calendar for upcoming meetings!
Tuesday 10:00am Bible Study: We use a number of videos and studies to learn more about Scripture and Church teaching.
Tuesday 7:30pm Bible Study: We follow the same lecture as the Tuesday 10:00am Study.
Wednesday 6:00pm Formation Group (school year only): Watch engaging videos to learn more about the faith and share your questions and insights with your peers. A virtual session is available at 7:45pm.
Called & Gifted: A charism discernment process that involves an initial workshop, a one-on-one interview with a trained interviewer, and a six-week discernment process with a small group. Learn more by contacting Michelle.
Connect & Reflect
Connect with others in the parish by checking out our calendar of activities. Hover over any day to see events. We also invite you to reflect with members of our community on their experience as parishioners at the Co-Cathedral.
We are happy to offer our parish a free subscription to the digital content available on Formed.org. What is Formed? It’s a steaming platform that offers a variety of resources for people of all ages such as:
Audio Talks and Podcasts
Ebooks and Audio books
Video studies and Bible studies
Kids Series and Picture books
Sign-up is easy: go to Formed.org/signup and enter the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist or 55902 in order to start streaming. Formed is accessible on laptops, desktops, tablets, smartphones, and smart TVs. Not sure what to watch? We can help you get formed! Contact Michelle to get started.
Have questions? We are happy to help!
Michelle Budraka
Director of Formation