To maintain and preserve Rochester’s oldest Catholic Church requires significant resources and commitments from parishioners, guests, and friends. Besides the day-to-day maintenance and cleaning, the parish community works hard to make sure the worship, prayer, and inspirational experiences are warm and welcoming to all. For more information on how you can help preserve the Church of St. John the Evangelist, contact Margaret Kelsey at the Parish Center.
Online giving through Vanco Payment Solutions using your checking/savings account or credit card.
Giving through PayPal.
Give+Mobile app is currently available. Members or guests can go to the App store and search for “give plus church” to download for free. The Give+ app supports donations via credit or debit cards. Donations via ACH are not supported at this time.
Bank Checks/Bill Pay – Just like paying bills online, you arrange with your bank to send a check to the church any time.
Weekly Envelopes:
Mailed to your home quarterly including special collections.
New members will receive a temporary set of envelopes until they are on the mailing list.
In Pew:
If you forget your envelope, please use one of the “welcome” envelopes or building fund envelopes found in the pews. Please write your name on the envelope to receive credit for your donation.
Flower donation envelopes, two times a year, Easter and Christmas. -
RaiseRight buys gift cards for national chains, as well as local grocery and gasoline stores, at a discounted price. You, the customer, pay the full face value. The difference is profit for the parish. A complete list of the participating stores can be found on the Rochester Catholic Schools website.
You may also purchase RaiseRight at:
Contact Lourdes High School RaiseRight office for hours.
Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Parish Office during open hours.
RaiseRight can also be ordered online -
Please contact Margaret Kelsey in the Parish Office for more information:
Stock Contributions
Retirement Disbursements
Bequest in a Will -
The Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota annually requests support from parishes in the diocese to help sustain and expand ministries across the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. You can give online here: https://catholicfsmn.org/catholic-ministries-appeal