Holy Orders
Being available to the call of the Spirit of Christ is at the heart of vocation. We need people to help us discern our calling and our way to respond to the love of God for us in Christ Jesus. The human heart is made to discover the Infinite through offering our lives in being for others, in being on mission and in bearing witness by offering our gifts in service to the Church.
Holy Orders is the Sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the Church. Our bishops, priests, and deacons are all ordained to preach the Good News, to celebrate sacraments, and to offer pastoral care. Acting in persona Christi (in the person of Christ), they represent headship, service, and fatherhood.
Religious life is a special life. Our bishops, priests, brothers and sisters sustain the Church in a necessary way through their prayers and service. We are encouraged to discern well the call we have from God, and to foster this same discernment within our families and community members.
Contact Fr. Jason Kern
for more information on prayerfully considering Holy Orders or Religious Life.