K-8 Faith Formation
Faith Formation is an on-going process of growing in knowledge and understanding of Catholic faith and tradition. At the Co-Cathedral, we offer K-8 Faith Formation to assist parents and guardians pass on the precepts of the Catholic faith to the next generation. We encourage and invite you to connect with our program.
Faith Formation classes follow the academic school year and meet on Wednesday evenings at the Co-Cathedral from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. See the year calendar for more details on the schedule.
Registration for Faith Formation has the following fees:
$50 for one child
$80 for two children
$110 for 3 or more children
Sacramental Preparation is a separate fee of $50 per student that must be paid in addition to any Faith Formation Registration. -
Our Faith Formation classes are taught by volunteer adult catechists who have up to date safe environment training (VIRTUS). If you are interested in becoming a catechist, contact Laura Miller.
“With the Christian family, parents are the primary educators in the faith and ‘the first heralds of the faith with regard to their children’. But all the members make up the family, and each can make a unique contribution to creating the basic environment in which a sense of God’s loving presence is awakened and faith in Jesus Christ is confessed, encouraged and lived.”
-National Directory for the Catechisis
Faith Formation assists parents in their role of imparting the faith to their children. -
We highly encourage all children preparing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist to have supplemental formation in the faith, whether from attending Faith Formation classes or participating in religion classes through Rochester Catholic Schools. Following the guidelines from our diocese, all students wanting to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist need to enroll and participate in the parish's Sacramental Preparation classes. The study materials in Sacramental Preparation class focuses completely on only these two sacraments, whereas the Catholic school religion classes and Faith Formation classes focus on various aspects of our Catholic faith.
We welcome any adult who wishes to volunteer with the Faith Formation program to contact Laura Miller.
We are happy to host an adult Faith Study group on-site. You are welcome to attend as you are able. The Adult Faith Study uses an online video series to explore faith topics. Contact Michelle if you would like more information or have a question about Adult Formation.
Here are a few links to resources:
Students in 9th and 10th grade typically begin preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. However, all high school aged youth are invited to become involved in youth ministry and volunteer opportunities at the parish.