Fill out this form completely to register students in grades K-8 here for this year’s Faith Formation. Contact the Parish Center if you are seeking tuition assistance. For any students preparing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, you will need to fill out additional registration for sacramental preparation.
Please note: If your child wishes to receive First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, they must be in Faith Formation classes as well as Sacramental Preparation class.Following the guidelines from our diocese, all students wanting to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist need to enroll and participate in the parish's Sacramental Preparation classes. The study materials in Sacramental Preparation class focuses completely on only these two sacraments, whereas the Catholic school religion classes and Faith Formation classes focus on various aspects of our Catholic faith.
Faith Formation Registration Costs: Upon completing this form, you will be re-directed to the payment page where you may choose to pay online. You may also make payment in the parish center by cash, check, or credit card. Please contact Laura if you require tuition assistance. 1 Student in Faith Formation: $50 2 Students: $80 3 or more Students: $110
A separate fee is required for those enrolling in Confirmation or Sacramental Prep.