2025 Lenten Opportunities
Are you wondering what to do for your Lent this year? As always, we have a list of suggestions to help you fast, pray, and give alms. This is not everything, though! The possibilities are endless.
Daily Mass every weekday (Mon-Fri) at 12:10pm in the Church
Stations of the Cross every Friday at 5:15pm
24 Hours for the Lord on March 21-22
Reflections on Lent & Easter through Art every Thursday at 6:00pm
Lenten Reflections Book
Take a prayer intention during Ash Wednesday
7 Pillars of Catholic Spirituality Group on Wednesdays at 6:00pm
Children’s Liturgy of the Word on Sundays
Lectio Divina with the daily Gospel for 10-15 minutes
Just Faith "Sowing Peace: Digging into Lenten Themes of Lament, Repent & Forgive" is a 6 part series starting March 10 through April 14, 6-7pm in person
Rice Bowl Reflections: https://www.crsricebowl.org/how-to-practice-lent
Social Media
The News
eat a simple vegetarian meal once a week
using creamer in your coffee/tea
driving to every activity (bike, walk, ride share, or ride the bus)
Hitting the snooze button or sleeping in
Upcoming special collections at Mass (see bulletin)
Give to the Catholic Ministries Appeal