Alive in the Eucharist

Photo Credit: John Engesser, 16 June, 2023

Dear Friends in Christ,

As Fr. Mahon mentioned in his recent update, our parish is in a year of Eucharistic Revival. But what does that mean for you and me? We might think that this revival is just another rote promotion of doctrine. We hear the words “the Eucharist is ‘the source and summit of the Christian life’” (CCC 1324) and we might say, ‘Yes, I know this already. I’ve heard this all before.’ But what if revival means something more than just collecting and consuming content?

The word revival literally means to come alive again. At the core of this Eucharistic Revival isn’t words or teachings, but instead a living relationship with Jesus. We are all invited to come alive again in our relationship with Jesus. To deepen whatever relationship we might have with our Lord. This revival begins and ends with the Eucharist.

I remember as a kid in Colorado going with my mother, my oldest sister, and my brother to a church to observe the First Friday tradition of Confession and Mass. The church was not our regular parish and held daily Mass in a small and ordinary room with green carpet and wood paneling. It was not a place you would expect to encounter the divine, and yet I found that, as a child, I was drawn into this moment to really experience the Mass. I would feel joy that I could go with my family and have this intimate experience. These moments were some of the first meaningful encounters I had with Jesus in the Eucharist.

But Jesus isn’t like a celebrity who you encounter in passing. Jesus desires more for each of us. He comes to us in the Eucharist to give us more than a simple encounter. He truly gives of Himself to you to be close to you, to love you and embrace you. Jesus truly present in the Eucharist is the source and summit of our lives. Are you ready to come alive?

What strikes me about my own Eucharistic relationship with Jesus is not that I have learned a lot or grasped grand theological ideas. My relationship with Jesus began with the invitation of people in my life: my mother and sister, and later, friends. Each person simply brought me before the Eucharist in simple companionship. I want to invite you to join me in revival. Here are some ways that you can come alive:

• Come to daily Mass at 12:10pm or make a daily Spiritual Communion
• Spend ten minutes in prayer before the Eucharist, either in Eucharistic Adoration or before the tabernacle
• Participate in a Formation Group: All Saints Club, Adult Bible Studies, Book groups, and more
• Read stories about others’ experience with the Eucharist and share your story at
• Invite someone you know to come to Mass, a group, or a service opportunity
• Participate in service opportunities like Homebound Ministry, Meal Ministry, Channel One, and more

I look forward to sharing in the Eucharistic feast with you as we dive into this year of coming alive. May we always grow to love and serve the Lord.


Recap of VBS 2023


A Renewed Call to Be Saints