Confirmation 2023

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers…” -Pope Paul VI. With their permission, I want to share with you the witness of a few students who are part of the Confirmation Class from St. John’s that will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this weekend. In preparation for the Sacrament, candidates wrote reflections on the Saint name they chose and on the service they have done.



“I chose Dominic as my Patron Saint because I aspire to be like him, to have values (especially in faith) that are strong, to be so trustworthy of Mary, and to have the selflessness where I would sell away my belongings to get essentials to those who need it, the selflessness to devote the rest of my life to helping others find their faith. I believe Dominic is a role model for all and should be better known; as I had not heard of him until I began my Confirmation.” -Mikolaj

“He’s (St. Maximilian Kolbe) got to be one of the coolest saints, not just for all his achievements… He was truly humble and so close with God and the Virgin Mary and sacrificed his life for another and then asked forgiveness for the sins of those who led to his death. That is why I picked him; he was humble, kind and forgiving until the end.” -Karsten

“For the last couple of years, I’ve been asking myself if Jesus Christ is really real. Mary Magdalene also had the same kind of question earlier in her life before she met Jesus. Now for the past couple of months, I have a strong belief that Jesus Christ is real. Listening to her story has made my belief in Jesus strong. I’ve been learning about her in my religion class and have been learning about her impact on Jesus’ life. I also want to have that same kind of impact on someone’s life and that is why I chose and admire St. Mary Magdalene.” -Kate

“I chose St. Eligius initially because he was the patron saint of horses. My life revolves around horses… When I researched Eligius, however, I realized that he was much more than a simple blacksmith who tended to horses. Eligius is the representation of skills, talents, and both material and spiritual wealth attracting others to acknowledge Christ. In my own life, I want to be someone who others could look up to and imagine themselves being as devoted to God as I was.” -Annika

“Her (St. Catherine of Alexandria) confidence stood out to me because that is something I focus on for myself. I can struggle with confidence at times, so to see that she can stand in front of a king and a bunch of philosophers and convince them of her point is very inspiring. I hope to gain her confidence and courage after Confirmation and would love to know that she is guiding me.” -Allison

“I chose Thomas Aquinas as my confirmation saint because I admire the way he used faith and reason. During his time, people believed that faith and reason were two different types of knowledge that were in direct opposition to each other. Aquinas rejected this idea and asserted that both kinds of knowledge ultimately come from God and that they were compatible.” -Kamil


“I go over to Riverside Elementary School and teach about twenty 4th and 5th graders how to play the violin. Most of the kids are underprivileged and wouldn’t be able to learn violin if it weren’t for this opportunity during their after-school program… Jesus is always present in everything we do, and some weeks I can feel it, others I can’t. When the kids’ faces light up because they are learning and when they make the first sounds, Jesus is present through all of them and their joy. Other weeks when they get frustrated, finding Jesus can be a struggle, but I know he is still there.” -Stella

“While I was working, I felt the presence of Jesus; I felt his presence through the people I was surrounded by who all willingly came on a chilly Saturday morning to pick up trash that came from our peers. I realized that even though it was just a small group of us picking up trash, it was a small group of people that I now know truly care about doing good for the world. I feel like God gave me the ability to love with a passion and I felt that while I was picking up trash; it was the reason I joined the tiny environmental club in the first place, because I want to try and make a difference, no matter how small.” -Nisha


As you can see, we have some incredible young people at our parish. They are not only the future of the Church but are part of the Church NOW! Join me in praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit into their hearts and be sure to say hello when you see them at Mass and thank them for their presence, participation, and witness.

Come Holy Spirit, Veni Sancte Spiritus.


Greetings from Uganda


Novena to the Holy Spirit: Day 7