First Eucharist

Dear friends in Christ, 

I have had the privilege of accompanying our students who are preparing to receive their First Holy Communion this weekend. Most of them are in second grade, with a few older students as well. They are all thoughtful, faithful, energetic and engaging young people, full of ideas and questions as they engage deeply in discovering what the Eucharist is for them and what it will mean to receive Jesus for the first time. 

These children are a sign for all of us, whether we have received Jesus in the Eucharist many times before, only once or twice, or maybe never yet. When we see these young people, full of longing to receive Jesus, what questions does it stir up in us? What do we discover about our own longing? What difficulties do we find in saying “Yes, I believe” to the Mystery who comes so close to us, as close as the wine and the water mingled together in the chalice? 

As part of their preparation, we invite the students to ask God to help them hear His voice, speaking to them through the Mass. 

God, please show me one way in this Mass that I can become a-better-version-of-myself. 

We all beg to hear and understand God’s message for us. How is He speaking to you at Mass today? What stands out to you from the liturgy? What word or phrase from the scriptures stays with you even after Mass is finished? Maybe there is a line or a tune from a song that you can’t get out of your head. Whatever it is for each of us, let’s pay attention to this invitation to come to know Christ more and more. 

Please join me in praying for our students this weekend and always! 

God bless you!


Come Holy Spirit, Come Through Mary!


The Little Way