The Holy Spirit Guides Us to the Love of the Father and Jesus Christ Sends Us Out

It was Lent 2018 when a bulletin announcement caught my attention for a seven-week Life in the Spirit seminar. The seminar was described as an introduction to a life lived in the power of the Holy Spirit, for a more personal and deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Not knowing what to expect, I signed up with a sincere desire to grow closer to Jesus and deepen my faith. Through prayer, scripture, talks, discussion, and personal testimony through the weeks, a spark was ignited in my heart. Now, five years later, the spark has been fanned into a flame strengthening and reawakening my baptismal call through the living witness of the person of Jesus Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit the foundation of Christian life has come alive in the sacraments and through scripture and in community with others on the same journey.

As a lifelong Catholic I’ve always been drawn to the mystery, traditions, and beauty of being Catholic. But it wasn’t until I was a young adult that I made a conscious decision to become active in my faith where the gifts of the Holy Spirit began to take shape in my life. It was through music ministry and involvement at St. Olaf Catholic Church that a mutual friend introduced me to my husband John. We’ve been married twenty-four years and have lived in Rochester for twenty. Our young adult children Emma (23) and Jack (20) went through Rochester Catholic Schools.

As I look back, I see seasons of growth in my discipleship personally and with family through the years with various activities inside and outside of the church. I was busy and active, but I can honestly say I didn’t have a relationship with the person of Jesus Christ. I didn’t understand the importance of yielding to the Holy Spirit to breathe life into my faith and how to be open to opportunities for further growth in discipleship. At the Last Supper, Jesus promised, “ And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate* to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows it. But you know it, because it remains with you, and will be in you” (John 14:16-17). Yielding to the Holy Spirit at times has pushed my comfort zone leading me to experiences that have led to active and ongoing involvement in faith formation and different ministries.

Graduating from the Diocese’s Institute of Lay Formation in 2022 and continuing the formation with other seekers across DOW-R has been incredible for growth and an opportunity for wider perspective. Eucharistic Adoration, bringing the Eucharist to the homebound and at St. Marys, Seven Sisters Apostolate, Lumen Christi, St. Paul Street Evangelization and Unbound Ministry have all impacted my heart bringing ongoing conversion and tangible witness to the person of Jesus Christ. Experiencing the love of Jesus compels me to want to share the good news with others.

St. Paul Street Evangelization shares the gospel in the public square by responding to the mandate of Jesus to preach the gospel to all nations by taking the Catholic faith to the streets. As a lay organization, St. Paul Street Evangelization works in fidelity and obedience to the Catholic Church and her Magisterium. In Rochester regular prayer teams can be  seen in the Peace Plaza offering opportunity for individual prayer, rosaries, blessed medals and prayer cards. When a priest is with us, the sacraments of confession and anointing of the sick are available. Being so close to Mayo Clinic, this prayer ministry has been profound to witness on all levels bringing healing through Jesus of mind, body and spirit to those in need. It’s also been a great way to point visitors to the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist for daily Mass and support. For more information go to or contact Deb McManimon: or 507-271-1737.

The Unbound Ministry is a ministry of healing in which a trained prayer team prays with individuals to assist them in overcoming the spiritual obstacles they encounter in their path of Christian discipleship and to take hold of greater freedom in Christ. This ministry uses the Five Keys of the Unbound model of deliverance developed by Heart of the Father Ministries ( The Unbound Ministry has been a critical part of missionary discipleship for me. In addition to the Sacrament of Confession, the ministry helps to move beyond any spiritual obstacles that may be preventing growth and a relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church. Many people receiving this prayer describe the experience as peaceful, affirming, and life changing. We have trained prayer teams across DOW-R. For more information visit

Jesus knows we need help for the life he is calling us to live. Our own strength and abilities will never be enough for a world that is broken and fallen. And we are radically changed and transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit to nourish our own heart to worship God with abundant praise. It is then we are called to go out to heal the sick, comfort the afflicted, witness mercy and forgiveness to a world in need. Only Jesus Christ can heal and save, offering a life full of love and peace despite the circumstance or situation. “For no one can lay a foundation other than the one that is there, namely, Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 3:11). The supernatural source of strength and healing can only come from Jesus Christ to know the love of a merciful Father. The gifts of the Holy Spirit renew the mind and awaken the heart to begin again. The newness of life through Jesus Christ is the good news that we share.

Laura Archbold


A Church for All


Openness to Reality