Let God Form Us

Dear Companions in Christ,

I distinctly remember the first time I came across the words of Socrates, the great Greek philosopher, “ἓν οἶδα, ὅτι οὐδὲν οἶδα” (hèn oîda, hóti oudèn oîda) which literally translates to “the only thing I know is that I know nothing.” I had just turned 18 years old and was exploring the Acropolis in Athens. It seems fitting that at this beginning of adulthood, I should encounter a certain wisdom of learning through ancient Greek philosophy. As I headed to college later that fall, I knew that I could always learn more, encounter a new way of thinking and experiencing the world. There is something new to experience every day for each of us.

This attitude of openness that I encountered through Socrates and education is connected to our faith; in fact, it has led me to a deeper and more vibrant spiritual life. Today, God is waiting to engage and open my mind to know His Presence more fully. It can be a temptation to assume that I know everything the Church has to offer. But this is far from the truth. Our Catholic tradition covers two thousand years of theology and prayer-inspired teaching. Often, I am merely scratching the surface of a topic with what I know. God invites us to grow and to learn more about our Catholic faith, to become renewed by traditions that escape our immediate comprehension.

Two years ago, when I first started as a staff member here at the Co-Cathedral, I remember how confused people were by the term ‘adult formation.’ So many people ask me what that even means. And it is true that the term is both ambiguous and redundant. Adults are independent and capable of taking care of themselves, so why would we ever need someone to direct our formation in the faith? I am writing to invite you to take the initiative as adults and engage in your formation. Formation involves seeking and asking questions as well as sharing what you know with others. Formation is part of our call to know and serve the Lord. Too often, we can say to ourselves that learning belongs to young children and youth. I know that learning and forming my mind helps me interact with the world around me, to have conversations with other people who have questions about the Catholic faith, and to face the trials and struggles of our world.

You have the opportunity for formation today. I want to invite you to join me in going just a little bit deeper. It’s a challenge, with how busy our lives can become, but if we can just take the first step, I know that God will reach us. Read below for the many opportunities for adult formation this fall. Please consider joining us for just one. And if you can’t make a specific group, you’re invited to engage in our independent study option with Word on Fire ministries. All you have to do is say yes, and let God form your heart.

All Saints Club: Meets Sundays 10:30am in Fellowship area or Loft
Next Meeting: September 10th in the Loft
We meet monthly to learn about the saints and be inspired to go forth and
live happy, healthy, holy lives for Christ. A speaker gives a short talk before we
break into small group discussion. We finish before the 11:15am Mass. No
RSVP required!

Return Book Group: Meets Mondays at 5:15pm starting September 11th in the
Fellowship area
Using Brandon Vogt's book "Return: How to Draw Your Child Back to the
Church," we will meet for seven sessions. Please register to reserve a copy of
the book. Books are available for a suggested donation of $20.

YA Women's Study: Meets every other Monday at 7:00pm starting October
Calling all young adult women! We gather for fellowship and discussion every
other Monday. Contact Michelle to get involved.

Tuesday Zoom Bible Study: Meets 10:00am OR 7:30pm
We will learning about the New Testament using lectures from Fr. Nicholas
King, S.J. Each session will have a lecture and discussion following. Please
email Michelle to join.

Tuesday In-Person Bible Study: Meets 1:30pm in the O'Day Room
We will learn about the New Testament using lectures from Fr. Nicholas King,
S.J. Each session will have discussion following the lecture. Please contact
to join.

Wednesday Evening option (Zoom or In-Person): Meets 6:00pm in-person in
the Fellowship OR 7:30pm on Zoom
We will use content from Word on Fire Ministries to discuss our Catholic Faith.
Please contact Michelle to join the Zoom study. Show up for whatever you're
able to!

Thursday Evening: Meets 8:00pm on Zoom
Same content as the Wednesday study but without the discussion. Contact
to join.

Independent Study:
Sign up for bi-monthly emails with special content from Bishop Barron. Go to
https://StJohntheEvangelist1.flocknote.com/EngageGroupWordo or contact
to get added to the list (email is required).

Don't see something for you? Contact Michelle for even more opportunities
and ways to connect!


He Transforms


A Church for All