Building Faith & Community

Volunteers had a fantastic time assisting with childcare.

VBS allows everyone in all stages and phases of life to be involved. While we focus on inspiring and encouraging a living faith in our youth, all are touched by how God is at work. We had an older volunteer who was willing to help with registration all week. It was so beautiful to witness how much joy she had each morning at the registration table watching the children coming and going to their different stations. It was particularly striking when she shared that she thought all the families were so wonderful because they are so patient with her when they check their kids in each day. She explained that sometimes it takes her a little while to find a name, but people smile and patiently wait. What a gift for all of us to see Mary Jean volunteering and for families participating to be so gracious and grateful that she is there. It’s a good reminder for us to slow down, and see the person in front of us, even if it’s just in the busyness of checking our kids in at a summer camp!  

A pre-K student wears craft goggles.

One favorite question asked by a child this week, (and LOTS of questions were asked!) was from a preschooler; “When will God visit our classroom this week?” His Grammy is one of the volunteers in his room and she responded that God is in his heart, and we gave him some other examples of how God is in fact present in his classroom, even though we can’t see him! The young boy smiled and was content with the answer. It was so sweet to see his curiosity and to witness the relationship he has with his grandmother. What a gift this grandparent is giving her grandson, passing on her faith to him. 

A few of our volunteers are college students, and it’s amazing the way they are giving so much time during part of their summer to serve younger kids at VBS. One young adult is volunteering with her younger brother. It’s such a gift to witness the way they make such a great team helping the young kids in the group they are volunteering with, but what is even more inspiring is to see the care they have for one another. This young woman is clearly looking out for her brother and happy to give of her time to be with him and help him as he helps the younger kids. 

youth volunteers at Vacation Bible school

This year, we created a new Service Project Track just for kids going into 5th and 6th grade. Throughout the week, they helped with clean-up projects around our building and in garden beds outside, prepared and served snack to the younger kids, learned about some of the ways Catholic Relief Services helps people all over the world have access to clean water (check out the bulletin board they made in the Fellowship Area!) and practiced how to serve God and our community at Mass. They also spent time with Jesus in the Eucharist, played many games of Silent Ball, and had a blast learning the VBS songs and dance moves. It has been amazing to see how they are so ready and willing to work hard and get the job done, while welcoming new friends and teaming up with their buddies. 

We are inspired and grateful for this opportunity to come alive together in Christ as a community of believers! Thank you to all for your prayers and support. 

Megan Rodriguez Laura Miller

Director of Formation Director of Formation


A Look into the Ministry of St. Vincent de Paul 


The Roots of Hope