Christmas Floral Memorials

· Brian, Kathleen, Sydney, and Natalie Allison in memory of Charlotte Ryan

· Becky Amato-Hemmingsen in memory of Tony Amato

· Curt and Lori Arcand in memory of Donald and Carolyn Arcand, and Valerie Cavil

· Kristina Blandan

· Jason and Pamela Bowman in memory of Virgil Zeimetz

· Claire Carney in memory of Aidan Carney

· Kathy Carroll in memory of Mike Carroll

· Paul and Jan Chezick in memory of John J. Rapaway and Vivian Rapaway-Demuth, and Paul J. and Mary Ann Chezick

· In memory of Joseph W. Clarys

· In memory of Mary Connelly

· Barbara Daly in memory of Bob and Connie Daly

· Dave and Vicki Degenstein in memory of Walter and Lorrayne Degenstein, Bert and Ella Michalenko, and Donnajeanne Heydt Michalenko

· Bill and Nancy Dvorak in memory of William and Irma Dvorak, and James and Nita Read

· Sue Eastman in memory of Evie Eastman and Kelly Eastman

· Vicki and Dave Erickson in honor of the children of the parish

· Dr. Francis and Betty Farrell in memory of the Farrell and Quetel families

· Marcia Fitzpatrick in honor of James Zaepfel and Gregory Zaepfel, and in memory of Dana and Bernice Fitzpatrick

· Paul Freetly in memory of Jerry Freetly

· Ron and Donna Fritsch in memory of deceased members of the Fritsch and Runde families

· Joan Gartner in memory of Rose White

· Sandra Goblirsch in memory of Eugene and Agnes Goblirsch

· Heberth and Sandra Gutierrez in memory of Guillermo Gutierrez

· Barbara Hall in honor of Aloysius Hall and in memory of Patricia Hall

· Charles and Eileen Haugh

· Arlene Hengel in memory of deceased Hengel family members

· Deb Herold in memory of Ken Herold

· Kelli Hirschman

· Harry and Julie Hoffman in memory of Jane Campion

· Conner Knutson

· Jan Kowalczyk in memory of the Kowalczyk, Schommer, and Lahaie families

· Dan and Kim Kutzke

· Jack and Mary Frances Lane

· Chris Leasure and family in memory of Kellie Leasure

· Randy and Debbie Lindman in memory of Nick and Lu Doffing

· The Locke family in memory of Rick Locke

· Andy Maday in memory of Anne Maday

· Carol Mahon in memory of Tom Mahon

· In memory of Eileen Mandable and Maritta Bush

· James Marttila and Kathleen Meyerle

· Ulrike, Chris, and Amelia McGregor in memory of Irmgard and Manfred Moedder

· Audrey Meyer in honor of Papa Brennan

· Helen Miller and family in memory of Terry Miller

· Mary Moore in memory of S. Breanndan Moore

· Mitch and Therese Moore in memory of deceased members of the Moore/Benda family

· Joseph and Wanda Murphy in memory of the Fischer and Murphy families

· In honor of Tuan Loan Nguyen and in memory of Micae Truoc Tran, Maria Lieng Ngo, Paul Tuan Tran, and Anthony Kieu Nguyen

· Eukeria Nsameluh in memory of Michael and Mariette

· In memory of Lola and Ken Pascoe

· Bret and Karen Petersen in honor of the Clark and Petersen families

· Helen Restovich in memory of George F. Restovich

· Rita Ruddick in memory of Darren Ruddick

· In memory of Taylor Russell

· Esthela Ruvalcaba in memory of the Ruvalcaba family

· Christopher Schoenherr in honor of the Schoenherr clan and in memory of all loved ones

· Jackie See in memory of Joe and Virgie See

· Wendy Shepherd in memory of John and Patricia Alden

· Rebecca Smith in memory of John and Katie O’Malley

· Tim and Monica Steinauer in memory of Leighton Ann Dinnes

· Ronnie Stolp in memory of Jerry and Lynn Stolp

· Elizabeth Teuteberg in memory of John and Wilma Teuteberg

· Jim Tweedy

· William and Karen Unverzagt in honor of Bruce Unverzagt

· Jean Wagner in memory of Fred and Vernice Wagner, and Marilyn Wanous

· In memory of Allie Porter Wahlig

· Greg and Joyce Walters in honor of Jim and Martha Boe, and Rod and Betty Walters

· Keji and Lado Wani

· Peg Wentz in honor of Patti and Andy McComb

· In memory of Susan Wood

· Phyllis and Walt Wright in memory of Alma Mulligan

· Andy and Kimberly Yocom and family in memory of our loved ones who are no longer with us


Hope in God’s Will


Christ the Light