Fed with Finest Wheat

In response to a special request from Bishop Barron, the Director of Music and Liturgy, Sebastian Modarelli, of the Co-Cathedral composed the following hymn which can be used as a processional for Mass, as music for a Eucharistic Procession, and even as a hymn that can be sung a cappella. Below, you can find the recording and lyrics of the hymn which was debuted for the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage on June 2nd, 2024.

Fed with Finest Wheat
He fed them with finest wheat
and satisfied them with honey,
with honey from the rock,
alleluia, alleluia.

Heav’nly word descending
from the Father’s side,
gave his flesh and his blood
as the bread of life.
Food for humankind!

Blessed human nature,
nourished by such food.
Christ himself gave his life
as our great reward.
What a lofty prize!

You have opened Heaven,
won for us the fight.
Give us strength, bear us aid:
fearsome is the sight
that bears not your light.

Stay with us, Lord Jesus,
soon the night will come.
Make our hearts burn again:
toilsome is the road
that will take us home.

How I love you, Jesus,
sweetness of the heart,
joy of Heaven on earth
to delight in us.
Solace of our mind!

Sweeter far than honey
is the thought of You.
Grant the heart its true joys
with your presence, Lord.
Honey from the rock!

Jesus, hope of sinners,
merciful to all
those who ask, those who seek,
but to those who find
you reveal your heart!

Tongue cannot describe nor
writings can express.
Only when fed on Him
we come to believe
what our mind perceives.

Be our joy, Lord Jesus,
font of life and light.
Every joy and delight
you surpass indeed.
Be our food and drink!

Refrain: Tr. ICEL; English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, ICEL Corporation. All
rights reserved.
Verses: © 2024, Sebastian Modarelli

Refrain: Entrance Antiphon from the Mass of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
(Corpus Christi)
Stanzas 1-3 from Verbum supernum prodiens
Stanza 4 from Luke 24:13-35.
Stanza 5 from O quam amabilis
Stanzas 6-9 from Jesu dulcis memoria


An Invitation to Vacation


A Meditation on Recovering