Reflections on Reconciliation
Student reflections and drawings on Reconciliation.
As we continue the journey of Lent, we are conscious of our need to return to the Lord. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a way for us to come back to the Lord with our entire heart. Here are some reflections from our students who received this Sacrament of Healing for the first time. We hope you are inspired and encouraged by their witness. Please consider joining us for 24 Hours for the Lord on March 21-22, when the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available 24 hours from 4:00pm Friday to 4:00pm Saturday.
Before I did first reconciliation I was scared. I was brave and did it. The priest told me to pray to God. After I felt happy.
My first reconciliation was very special. The priest was nice. I left feeling happy. Before, I felt nervous but there was no reason to be nervous. Absolution [was the best part]!
The best part was getting forgiven of my sins. I was nervous to talk to the priest. It was not as bad as I thought it would be. I was glad I had first reconciliation.
My first reconciliation went good. I wasn’t worried. I thought it would be nice. After, I felt okay. I talked to the priest. Now I know I can do it and its no big deal. I won’t do anything different next time. I would tell other people “it’s no big deal.”
My First Reconciliation was ok. It was ok because I felt good afterward because my sins were forgiven. I felt closer to God after than before. I was nervous beforehand because I was afraid that the priest would punish me and that I would forget what to do. But I didn’t need to be nervous because God was there with me. I liked how Fr. Mahon talked to me and I liked what he said. I was surprised that he didn’t say the Act of Contrition with me. My advice to someone else who is getting ready for First Reconciliation is don’t be nervous.
I liked my first Reconciliation. I expected to be nervous. There were lots of people there and I was nervous. I was not embarrassed. Afterwards I felt happy. The best part was when I confessed my sins. Now I will feel a lot better about asking God for forgiveness. Next time I won’t feel so shy. I will tell other people what to do and not to be worried.
I felt nervous before my First Reconciliation last month. However, I feel much better now about all the things I do. I know that I may sin but when I go to confession, God forgives me, and I feel better. To someone who is preparing for their First Reconciliation, I would tell them that it’s not scary and that God is waiting to forgive you.
It was scary at first. It wasn’t that scary at all. At the end I felt better.
It was scary because I did not know what to expect. After I did it I felt good. My advice to someone else is study your reconciliation book. Don’t be nervous.
Overall, my experience of first Reconciliation was good and easier than I expected it to be because the priest made it a fun experience. Going into reconciliation I didn’t know what to expect because I’ve never done anything like this before so I was nervous. After however I felt good and relieved and cleansed of my sins. One thing I remember is the priests blessing where he put his hand over my head, it made me feel special. I think this experience has made me more aware when I’m doing things I shouldn’t be doing. My message to others is to enjoy the fun interactive videos and there is nothing to be nervous about.
After my Reconciliation I felt good because after I felt lighter and happier. One thing that happened that I didn’t expect was that Father Mahon didn’t do my First Penance like I thought. But the priest who did was still nice. To someone who is preparing for the First Penance I’d say, “Don’t be nervous, you can do this!” I think now I won’t have many sins because I did reconciliation to make them go away.
During my reconciliation the priest was nice. I told him my sins and he said a prayer. Before my reconciliation I was nervous. After, I felt forgiven which made me feel happy. I don’t have as many sins and I will try to be nicer, always. I would tell my friend who is getting his reconciliation that it seems scary but it isn’t.
It made me feel nervous. I didn’t know what to expect. But it felt good to talk about things.
I thought that I was going to be embarrassed but I wasn’t. I felt normal before and during Confession, and after I felt happy happy! My advice is to be calm.
Before I felt neutral, and after I felt good. The part that stood out the most was when I confessed my sins. My life will be different because my sins are forgiven. I liked going to Reconciliation!
What I learned on my first reconciliation is that I took a bath and then my mom put me in a pretty dress and then me and my mom went to the priest and did a prayer and I was nervous and scared but my mom was by my side and I got brave then. And I told the priest my sins and he listened. He told me things on how to be a better daughter and sister. I went back to the pew, said my prayer and I learned to not ignore your mom because she is trying to show you what it's like as a grown up and I felt better!
I was nervous and scared getting ready for my first reconciliation. I did my confession and I felt better and happy. Forgiveness stood out for me and that I’m able to talk to God. Next time I will not be too nervous and I know things will be okay. I will tell someone who is doing their first reconciliation that you can tell God anything because he is here to listen to you.
I was nervous and scared and happy at the same time. Because I was closer to God and Jesus and we can connect. I can talk to God and Jesus.