Set a Fire
Dear Co-Cathedral Friends!
Happy Pentecost! As we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Spirit coming down upon the Apostles, we hear about their amazing response to receiving the tongues of fire—the Apostles go out and start proclaiming the Good News of God’s love to the world!
We are also called, first to be set afire with the Holy Spirit and then in our own manner to go out and proclaim! There are many ways we can participate in sharing God’s message of joy with those around us. One upcoming opportunity is the National Eucharistic Procession that we will host right here at the Co-Cathedral on June 1st and 2nd. Right now, young adult pilgrims are walking across the country with the Blessed Sacrament to Indianapolis, where the National Eucharistic Congress will be this summer. We will be a part of the procession, hosting two hours of Eucharistic Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament and then processing with the Blessed Sacrament through Rochester to the Civic Center on Sunday, June 2nd at 1:15pm. You can find more information in the bulletin, on posters around the Co-Cathedral, and on the website.
Our community also has a special way of outreach by giving to local community partners each year via the St. John’s Outreach Fund. During Lent, we highlighted several of these groups: Families First of Minnesota, Fresh Energy, The Landing, Catholic Climate Covenant, Birthright, Elder Network, & Project Legacy to name a few. Below, you’ll find some letters thanking you for your contribution during the 2023 year. As the name suggests, this is a way to reach out to those in our neighborhood and share God’s message of Love.
2023 Letter from the Landing in Rochester
I would like to also encourage you as the summer draws nearer to reach out both within our community and outside of our walls. Perhaps there is a person you see every weekend at Mass but have never caught their name or you’ve always thought about volunteering for a particular program like Vacation Bible School but think you don’t have the time. Perhaps you walk by someone every day but have not introduced yourself. Outreach is a word that calls to mind moving from the sacred interior of our own comfort and love to share that same experience with another. Today, let yourself be set afire with God’s love and let it spread!
Come Holy Spirit! Set a fire down in my soul, that I can’t contain, that I can’t control!