A Story of Life

In October, the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month. Each week, as we celebrate the dignity of human life, we will share uplifting stories highlighting our call as Christians to embrace the beauty of the human person whether they be young, old, living with a disability, unborn, experiencing economic instability, etc. To get involved with more discussions about human dignity, consider joining the Human Dignity Group by contacting Megan Rodriguez at the parish center. 


Dear Friends in Christ,

As we reflect on Respect Life Month, it is crucial to acknowledge the sanctity of human life, especially that of the unborn. I would like to take this opportunity to share a personal story that is close to my heart, with the hope of shedding light on this sensitive topic and perhaps even inspiring a change of heart.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5.

My name is Charlie Deick, and I was adopted from Ethiopia at the tender age of six months into the loving family of Steve and Brenda Deick. My family now consists of six children- three adopted and three biological. I was raised with very Catholic beliefs and my family is extremely faithful. Last year I went to the March for Life in Washington D.C and I heard many testimonies about choosing life. Hearing so many stories about choosing life made me realize I could share my life story.  So I decided to share mine with you. 

My birth mother was only seventeen years old when she had me. From what we have gathered, my father was not her husband. She was young and didn’t know what to do. Does this sound familiar to you? Does it sound like one of the many reasons why many in our culture would say it's okay to have an abortion? The answer is yes. But, thankfully, my birth mom did not make that decision.

Instead of choosing abortion, she chose life! She knew that she couldn’t do it on her own, so she went to my uncle for help. The next series of events is not entirely clear. From what we gathered, my uncle took me on an eight-hour bus ride to an orphanage. I was lovingly taken care of by nannies until my parents were matched with me. A few months later they came and took me home. If my mom would not have made the right choice I would not be here to tell this story. She loved me so much that she was willing to give me up for adoption. If she didn’t choose life, all the people that I know now would be incomplete, my family would be missing someone. God had a plan for me, even before I was born, and she said yes. 

My mother could have chosen to abort me. It would have saved her from being shamed by people for her circumstances. It would have saved her the worry about what she would have had to do once I was born. Instead, she knew in her heart that for better or for worse, she was already a mother before she even noticed I was there. She understood that I was a human being with dignity. No matter how small I was, she knew for a fact that I was a person with a whole life ahead of me. She understood that God placed me in this world. Who was she to go against the will of God? So when a mother has a baby in difficult circumstances, she needs to remember that there is always a choice. She needs to remember that the choice she makes not only affects her child but also everyone whose lives will be affected by that person. The choice she makes will change many lives. I pray that all mothers will make the right choice. The choice my mother made, that is, the choice of life.

Thank you and God bless. 

Charlie Deick


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