“My sheep hear my voice," says the Lord. “I know them and they follow me.” (John 10:27).
It is so common to feel overwhelmed with the many decisions we face us each day. We want to hear God’s voice and follow, but we wonder how. There are often so many competing “voices” and God’s path can seem obscure. But God knows us - our desire to follow and also our confusion, and best of all, God loves us as we are.
St. Ignatius of Loyola outlined several keys to discernment in his Spiritual Exercises. They build upon our desire to know, love, and serve God more completely and in ways that help us use the gifts God has given us. Kate Piderman, PhD, spiritual director, researcher, and retired chaplain, will guide us in a five session series during Lent on understanding and incorporating Ignatian discernment into our lives. Sessions will take place at St. John the Evangelist in the O'Day Room on Tuesday evenings at 5:15pm. Topics will include: “Be still and know that I am God”; Reflecting on God’s action in our lives: Consolation and Desolation and the Good Spirit and the evil spirit; Making a Godly decision; Reflecting on what we have chosen. There will be a short presentation each week and time for discussion. Opportunity for individual consolation with Kate will be available. Please contact Michelle Schmid if you are interested. A commitment to the series of five is recommended.