Generational Support

In this week’s reflection, we hear from two parishioners, a daughter and her mother. They share about the impact of grandparents in a recent shared experience. This reflection is in honor of the Fourth World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. A prayer card is available in the Fellowship space at Community Sunday.

It’s hard to even try to put into words how blessed we feel and how grateful we are for my parents living five minutes away.  

My husband and I found out we were expecting in December of 2020, and a few weeks later, found out there were twins but that something was not right. Our pregnancy was a whirlwind; scary and overwhelming. Our twins were born at 25 weeks gestational age (over three months early) and our oldest daughter, Leighton, went to be with the Lord after two hours of life. The next 100+ days our daughter Addison would spend in the NICU were isolating and anxiety-ridden, but by the grace of God, my mom and dad put their house up for sale and moved to Byron to be available to help with whatever needs that Addison would have. My mom spent every day in the NICU she could when we had to go back to work until COVID rules only allowed for parents to be in the room. Once Addie was home, she needed to be fed every two hours around the clock and had multiple appointments weekly. We could not have kept working, taken care of our dogs/house, or had time to process our grief without their help. Having grandparents near and knowing that our girls are in their hands when we go to work allows us to be able to truly focus during the day. Watching their relationships grow and develop is so special and we hope that God gives us the opportunity to watch this flourish for many years to come. With their unconditional love, selflessness, kindness, and strength we know that our family is safe no matter what sorrow or happiness may come our way.

Laura Dinnes 


The joy of being parents, and now grandparents, is for me and my husband our greatest blessing. 

When we found out we were going to be grandparents, our hearts were busting. Soon after, that joy turned to great concern when we discovered our daughter was carrying twins, and due to high risks, the future of those babies was unknown. We placed our trust in God and made plans to move closer so that we could help them with whatever they would need. Over the next months we watched as our daughter and son-in-law navigated through unknown waters with great hope, so proud of their unwavering faith. I was with them the day the girls were born. Seeing my daughter lose her first born and then seeing the second born taken away to the NICU all within moments were gut wrenching. I had no idea what life would look like for any of us at that point. Yet, I sat there in amazement, as I still do today, at what caring, loving parents they were becoming.  

My days are full; I am much slower and get more tired than 32 years ago when I became a mom. That said, there is no place I would rather be than near my daughters and with my grandchildren. Spending time with those we love truly does make life better. Addie is now three. She’s thriving and recently became a big sister to Lainey; our family continues to grow in such precious ways. I try daily to offer encouragement and guidance while helping to care for our grandchildren. We know that they will greatly benefit from having confident, positive parents and that we play a role in helping them be that way. As a grandparent, I truly believe we have influence on our grandchildren and their parents, so we need to use it to encourage, bless, and inspire by giving our support and unconditional love. We have made sure our children know we will always be here for them, and I want my grandchildren to know that too. My greatest hope is that those babies, who very much remind me of their mother—my precious child—know they will forever have another hand to hold. 

Happy World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, we hope you feel as lucky and full of love as we do!

Monica Steinauer 


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