High School Youth Encounter Christ

Dear Friends in Christ, 

Last weekend, I had the privilege of attending the Steubenville Youth Conference here in town with a group of high school youth from our parish. We gathered with 1,500 other youth and leaders at the Mayo Civic Center. At the same time, four other Steubenville conferences were taking place with over 10,000 young people around the country gathered to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and with their peers. Wow! The Church is alive, and I am given such hope through the witness of our young people.  

High school students participate at Steubenville-Rochester

I'd like to share what two 10th graders who attended with our group experienced:  

“I had a powerful, spiritual experience at Steubenville this past weekend. There were some amazing speakers, and I was able to grow deeper in my relationship with Christ.  The most significant moment during my time at the conference was during Adoration.  The priest carried around the monstrance and brought Jesus to everyone. The priest then stopped right in front of me, and it was so incredible to have Jesus Christ just feet away from me. I would highly recommend high school students to attend Steubenville next summer and experience their faith in a new way.” -Lizzie 

St. John’s students participated in Steubenville-Rochester

“Going to Steubenville was such an amazing experience, and the positive energy from everyone coming together to worship the Lord was unreal. Hearing inspiring talks, going to Adoration and Confession, having deep small group discussions, and being surrounded by so many people who love God really allowed me to open up, and I’ve never felt so close to the Lord.” -Olivia 

High school students participated in small groups at Steubenville-Rochester

A reoccurring theme from speakers over the weekend was about our receptivity and how we are present and open to the workings of the Holy Spirit. I pray that we may all be receptive to the ways the Holy Spirit wants us to use the gifts He has given us to accompany, listen to, walk with, witness, and encourage the young people of our Church!

If you feel called to get involved with high school youth as a small group leader or helping with Confirmation, please reach out, we need you. And save the date for Steubenville next summer – July 11-13. We would love to have you there with us, as a volunteer or participant!  

Come Holy Spirit! 
Megan Rodriguez 
Confirmation Director  


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