Mercy Sundays: Door Ministry & Channel One
We continue to explore what the Eucharistic Revival looks like here at the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, during Lent, to pray, reflect, and act on how we live out “being sent” from the Eucharist to be and reveal Christ to others.
Mercy Sundays are opportunities for St. John’s to highlight social ministries in which we already participate and invite you to be involved as bearers of Christ, the “good news”.
We at the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist express ourselves as “A Welcoming Catholic community” through greeting in time and space, through the corporal works of mercy, hospitality, and relationships of caring. From the Eucharist we come, enlivened by the Spirit, upholding life and life choices.
Door Ministry Collection—Since the early times, when people found themselves in need they turned to the church. “The Corporal Works of Mercy are found in the teachings of Jesus and give us a model for how we should treat all others, as if they were Christ in disguise” (United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB)). The Corporal Works of Mercy are duties we serve on behalf of the Church. The Co-Cathedral of St. Johns has, through your faithful contribution, served the needs of people through our Door Ministry for many years and thousands of visits. This is only possible though your generosity to our St John Charity/Door Ministry collection. The movement of your heart through your participation in this way we serve our neighbors is blessed, a sign of hospitality and caring. Your generosity to this ministry collection on March 2/3 serves the hope of many!
Parishioners volunteer at Channel One
Channel One -Reverse collection—Today we offer a “reverse collection” for Channel One as part of March MN Foodshare month. Channel One no longer accepts food donations from the general public. This will be a “virtual food drive”. The paper you take from the basket will offer you a reflection and opportunities to support Channel One.
Connect by giving online and by volunteering with SJE at Channel One on March 5th from 6:00pm-8:00pm by signing up at
ADVOCACY—Attend a precinct caucus. Propose a platform resolution for life – unborn/elderly, climate crisis, nuclear disarmament, health care for all, shelter/housing: