Mercy Sunday: Hospitality Ministry & Birthright

As we explore what the Eucharistic Revival looks like in our local church, The Diocese of Winona-Rochester, we, here at the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, explore how we live out “being sent” from the Eucharist to be and reveal Christ to others.

The Good - In the early days of Christianity, it was the moral goodness of Christ's followers that brought many to belief. Mercy Sundays are opportunities during Lent for St. John’s to highlight social ministries in which we already participate and invite you to be involved as the hands and feet of Christ.

Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist expresses ourselves as “A Welcoming Catholic community” through greeting in time and space, through the corporal works of mercy, hospitality, and relationships of caring. From the Eucharist, we become enlivened by the Spirit, upholding life and life choices.

Co-Cathedral Hospitality Ministry: The Spiritual Works of Mercy are embodied by us in many ways. At the Co-Cathedral of St. John’s, hospitality is a way that serves others across so many boundaries. As the face of welcome at many of our liturgies and events, we are inviting others to experience Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We follow Christ with the witness of our life so that others may see God's love revealed in our actions, the actions of authentic welcoming. Those whom we meet may be new to worship, returning, visiting, or fellow parishioners, and you are there to welcome their presence. While the details of the ministry are very important and carried out with care, the invitation and greeting are graced moments empowered by the Spirit with deeper significance. You are invited to consider this ministry as a participating member of our “welcoming Catholic community”.

Birthright– supporting life and new life: Like God’s focus on us: “Birthright’s focus is on loving the mother, reminding her that there is hope and ensuring she is not alone.” Birthright accepts new and gently used baby clothes in sizes Newborn to 4T and maternity clothes. Moms in need are able to receive these items free of charge from their office. New baby items are also accepted for layette gift bags which are given to mothers of newborns. Diapers, wipes, and formula are also donation options. As a 501(c)3 charitable organization, donations are tax deductible and appreciated. Donation receipts are available. Birthright of Rochester is located in Soldiers Field Plaza. Call ahead for walk-in times 507-288-9374.


ADVOCACY – Raising the poverty line and increasing early childhood assistance. Find your legislators:


CRS Rice Bowl Week 2 CRS Rice Bowl - God invites us to slow down in the silence and look for him around us—in nature and in people who need us most.

… a Catholic Relief Services project, which helped him (Rony and his family in Honduras) repair an old reservoir and install a low-cost irrigation system with pipes and hoses that uses very little water to grow his crops. He also learned to let the harvest residue rot—instead of burning the land—because the residue becomes the soil’s fertilizer.  

Thanks to the watering system and his new skills, Rony can harvest his crops even if it doesn’t rain. His produce and income are now enough to feed his family, pay the soccer academy’s fees and help people in his community.

Today, Rony has even become an advocate for caring for the environment. And he feels it is his responsibility that others do too.

“I have learned a lot about how to take care of, value and protect the natural resources that the Lord has given us, such as water,” he says. “That’s the best way to guarantee the lives of our families and the animals.”

How do we here in the United States, protect and value water? Can we feed our family without water? Fast from taking for granted, neglect, misuse, or waste of this precious resource. How can we guard the gift of water?




Mercy Sundays: Jeremiah Program


St. Lucy and the Light of Faith