All Events and Happenings
Lectio Eucharist Adult Formation Group
Join the Wednesday night Adult Formation Group as we dive into Dr. Brant Pitre’s Lectio Eucharist: Discovering the Mass in the Bible. This is a ten-session study that dives into the Jewish roots of the Eucharist and goes through all the different aspects of why we do what we do at Mass every Sunday. Come to as many sessions as you would like and are able. The study meets in the O’Day Room. Drop in early to meet others and to grab a snack before we watch the video series. There is also a Zoom option available at 7:30pm. Please contact Michelle with questions!
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd at the Co-Cathedral is currently available for children the ages of 3, 4, and 5. With adult catechists, children discover a quiet place to experience God.
Contact the Parish Center for information about participating in the program or volunteering as a catechist.
All Saints Club
We gather monthly to learn about the saints and discuss how they inspire us to live happy, healthy, holy lives after the 9:30am Mass. Come for a brief casual presentation on a Saint, a short discussion, and community time! No need to register, just come to the Fellowship Area after or before Mass!